Hi, I'm Denise.
Nice to meet you!
Learn more about 4YoungMinds and our mission to support young people with their mental health.

Our Mission 🧠
We are dedicated to providing early intervention
for mental health challenges by raising mental health awareness and improving resilience and self-confidence in young people.

Our Vision 🧘🏿
Our vision is for mental health to be discussed as openly as physical health, where no young person struggles in silence.
We approach this through non-judgmental and inclusive discussions
and activities in our workshops, whilst providing practical self-help tools
and signposting to services for additional support.

Our Story
I founded 4 Young Minds in October 2018 because of my early experience with anxiety
and my passion for young people's mental health. This was reignited by my personal experience with a year 11 student, just a few months away from his GCSEs, who had tagged himself as a failure with suicide as the only way out.
I kept asking myself: how was his mental health left to deteriorate
without any intervention for so long?
I hold a BSc in Psychology, a Level 3 Award in Education and Training, Trauma-Informed Practice training, and Youth Mental Health First Aid to support young people in accessing the appropriate support. Alongside these qualifications, my professional experience
with young people spans more than a decade, with my youth work journey beginning
at the Prince’s Trust in my role as a Fairbridge Programme Executive.
Here I supported some of the hardest to reach and most vulnerable young people
aged 16-25 through 1:1 mentoring and life skills workshops.
Mentoring young people aged 11-16 in schools have shown me the urgent need
for preventative measures to break down the crippling stigma around mental health
by encouraging young people to seek help before it is too late. With so many promising lives lost to suicide every year, all too often many young people suffer in silence,
unaware of the support that is available to them or too ashamed to ask for help.
I made it my mission to change that.

Our Values

There is no 'one size fits all' when
it comes to mental health, so we ensure the same for our services.
We work with you to design programmes that address challenges specific to your community.

We keep young people at the heart of everything that we do.
All of our programmes are
co-designed with the participants to ensure that the chosen topics are for you, by YOU!

No one should feel alone when struggling with their mental health. We believe in sharing our own lived experiences to demonstrate
that it is okay to not be okay
and encourage young people
to do the same.

We ALL have mental health -
No one falls through the gaps or
is beyond the reach of our support.
We work with young people,
parents and staff from
all backgrounds and walks of life.